dusty, they use to say when you are alone with her in her or your flat that you have sex.
Therefore they need no witnesses. That is all.
this is not valid when you are outside anywhere..
WTS has made its own laws.
been awhile i know.
but anyways, here it goes.. girlfriend has a jc this friday.
mom came over this morning when i was playing video games and she was getting ready to go out in her new apartment that i got her.
dusty, they use to say when you are alone with her in her or your flat that you have sex.
Therefore they need no witnesses. That is all.
this is not valid when you are outside anywhere..
WTS has made its own laws.
jehovah's witnesses use the number of the mighty 6 million (tm) to "prove" that god is blessing them over and above all other religions.
but with so many being disfellowshipped and leaving over the past decades, how many ex-witnesses are there?
with thousands growing wiser and more dissatisfied with wt doctrine, might the number of ex-witnesses over the years now equal the number of witnesses?
I guess that about 100,000 a year get disfellowshipped and another 100,000 drift away or disassociate with the org.
The organisation had an increasing decline in pubs which was changed into increase by introducing the 15 minute regulation.
For Germany you have the following example. about 3 years ago there were nearly 170,000 pubs at all. today there are 162,000 .
In autumn 2002 the 15 min regulation was made valid that led by about 2,500 congregations to about 12,000 further pubs, so that you can say, that in Germany within 3 years the total amount of pubs declined for about 10 %.
I cant compare those figures with figures of other countries but the time shows, that the congregations get empty as the publishers are under pressure of time and economical opression. that is about the same in Europe and North America.
The WTS is loosing its monoploy of information by internet. That makes more and more witnesses aware that there are increasing doubts in WTS policy.
Brooklyn would better publicly confess what they have made wrong and that they set more confidence in modern Egypt than in the Savior.
There is no sign that the GB is finding an open answer to the facts. They shameless define themselves as the Slave who has got already the possession of the LORD.
the only thing they've got, is a stiff brain.
It might be that in a couple of years there may be as much pubs as there are former JW's.
As long as Brooklyn and their regional branches are longing for public funds they have forgotten that the blessing comes from above.
In Germany they try since 1990 to get the status of a church with the financial privledges. and yet they are just at the point they have started.
The judge in the court (March 2004)spoke of "theocratic warfare" and the lawyer from WTS did not reject this expression.
I am sorry that still the German media is not so much interested in JW's as the reports are not so often and holistic.
The action from www.e-watchman.com - letter to about 5,000 congregations in US/Ca has found my attention.
Thats the way facts can be distributed what makes more elders pay attention to their attidude.
Time works against the WTS and their doctrine that they have the right to change biblical teachings like you change your socks.
As the UN-cohabitation has shown that they have no fear to act in contradiction to their teachings and since getting public this act of spiritual fornication I recognize that in the WT the UN is no more defined as beast that will destruct religion.
It seems that WTS has no longer a mentallity of a Freddy Franz who franatic made his visions public.
I guess that each and every blessing from above has stopped and that this slave will be cut into peaces what means that time will come when the GB will have disharmony and loosing its control over itsself and the flock.
He surely is comparable to the words of Jesus that the slave will hit his domestics when he notices that the Lord still is not coming.
It would fit the slave very well to be more modest, honorable and serving the domestics by fruits of the spirit than to spread fear and frustration.
shame on those who went to bed with UN and their tentacles.
i sometime ago read that about in 50 ce in egypt there were killed about 150.000 christians by persecution.
i remember that it stood in the watchtower within the early 50ies.. does anybody have the opportunity to find it out for me.
thanx.. klaus
thank you for the support Gadget
i sometime ago read that about in 50 ce in egypt there were killed about 150.000 christians by persecution.
i remember that it stood in the watchtower within the early 50ies.. does anybody have the opportunity to find it out for me.
thanx.. klaus
I sometime ago read that about in 50 CE in Egypt there were killed about 150.000 christians by persecution
I remember that it stood in the Watchtower within the early 50ies.
Does anybody have the opportunity to find it out for me. Thanx.
well my folks seem determined to drive what remains of their family right off the cliff!
i should have known better, but after enduring various insults after explaining why i won't attend the memorial, i too off the gloves.
i threw the un scandal into the mix.
your experience is exactly that everybody will make with JW's. They are taught to close their conscience and leave it in Brooklyn.
I am thinking to write a book with the title " Brooklyn's Conscience Crime".
I am very much disappointed that Brooklyn is discriminating other religions with their behavior in political affairs. And their own acting is swept under the rug. I notyfied that since the UN-case came to the light, they never mention the UN anymore. Neither in the WT from June 2004, nor now in the WT with the 666 beast.
Their utterance like " we dont want to make rumours" regarding what will happen next is a fake regarding all their roumours about what they have foretold and what did not happen.
They know nothing but all what they know they know by 150 %.
It would suit them nice to confess what BS they have tauhgt, done and hidden. For me it is impossible to believe that such organisation that is shaping its history like the WTS is conducted by the holy ghost.
I am convinced that this religion is very near to the truth but they failed the targets and their managers took place on a chair which does not belong to them.
When Christ will come in the future he will beat the slave into 2 pieces. perhaps one peace will be good enough. but the other one will come to an end.
peoples, watch further to the UN. They plan to widen out their security councel up to 10 permanent members. Maybe that those 10 members then will be the 10 final kings over the earth. they have today already a kingship : Over Afghanistan, over Kosovo and rather soon over Iraque.
I too know nothing, but I think that the holy bible has a great value.
dear me, wts gets hard problems in straight un-cohabitation.. soon it might be called "the watchtower gate files".
Do have a look:
dear me, WTS gets hard problems in straight UN-cohabitation.
soon it might be called "the Watchtower Gate files"
hello onacruse,
with the beginning of the service year 2003 the slave permitted the 15 minute regulation.
If you count within 90,000 congregations x 3 old persons in average you have about 300,000 additional publishers in a statistic that ist shaped for the public.
try to implement this fact into a statistic for 2003
kind regards kv
we had our circuit assembly some weeks ago. as the DO has changed we notified that he went through the hall, from chair to chair nearly to introduce himself to nearly each and every publisher saying: "I am George and that is my wife Virgine" shaking hands, making small talks and presenting as DO who can be touched by file and ranks.
In their speeches they condemned the world and the apostates by using a tactic that makes them all to enemies of the divine truth.
And behind the curtain - the special program for the elders - they demanded extra money for several things I dont want to describe here to make it difficult for the borg that reads here too.
I would say in good old English: Wash me but dont make me wet - that is the policy of the borg and their employees, those who have no more chance to find a job in the world.
And when you read the WT there is no more any utterance against the UN. I remember the WT from June last yer regarding armageddon and now the WT with the beast.
Do they feel ashamed against the wild beast or do they plan to become associated with again?
I guess they have shot all powder and now they shot by they voices liek the Hornberg Shooting where some hundred years agon the inhabitants of Hornberg exercised shooting and when the prince came the powder was gone and the price heard them shouting "puff, peng, bum".
By their engagment to become church in many countries - becajuse of the financial advantages - they have lost the thread that Jehovah is the great provider who gives his blessings to those who serve in cleanness. As the publishers get less and less and the meetings are not having full attendences the circumstances express that Jehovah has left the land of the slave. It goes down the stairways to nothing.
i recently came across this letter from one district overseer to an elder: .
"you did well in silencing the unspeakable teaching of the apostates.
from these are the "wandering stars" referred to in the prophecy, who wander from the narrow road of the commandments into a bondless abyss of the carnal and bodily sins.
yes BT, in the eyes of the pharisees Jesus was an apostate. he condemned their cohabitation with Rome and their money making in the temple. he charged them because of their hypocricy and --- in their eyes he lost.
But we know that he has won.
So I am convinced that really truth never could be apostacy, but it is the denying of facts that are true and yet rejected - eg the cohabitation with the UN as NGO.
our latest elders meeting with the co has just occurred.
new things arising are:-.
1. before an ms or elder is appointed a specific question is asked:-.
on the continent there is moving too into these directions:
congregations are ordered to work out following situations within their district:
airport, habors, highway-parking places, large shopping centers, homes for elderly people, flea markets, universities, high schools and such like institutions where preaching can or could be organized.
They are going to define solutions to preach there, with theocratic warfare: not to mention WTS but speaking in the own name where in the shopping centres or big train stations there is demanded eg an insurance or something fee like that, must be payed from the brothers.
When a commune has a special celebration where things are sold or so JWs are encouraged from WTS to be present.
This new preaching aerea seems to have given already some good experiences.
The JWs are encouraged to find new ways to preach.
I wonder how that would function as the attendents of the meetings decline, less baptized ones, declining publishers and a young generation that like more the lord of the rings than Jesus Christ.
These developments I heard from Germany and Austria.